
I’ve been experimenting with clothing design for a few years by reworking and customizing existing pieces. Now I’m interested in going deeper and learning how to make my own patterns and improving my overall abilities. When researching summer programs, the SCAD Summer Seminars sounded like the perfect opportunity. I’ve learned what I can from watching YouTube and figuring things out on my own, but I’m excited to learn directly from experienced instructors in-person and immerse myself in a creative environment.

I also look forward to meeting peers who are interested in fashion and creative arts. I hope to engage in meaningful conversation and collaboration with other aspiring designers and creators. I look forward to sharing ideas and working as a team to create intriguing pieces of clothing. With so many different types of workshops, it sounds like a diverse artistic community I will be around with many talented people I can meet.

When exploring the SCAD website, the pictures of the beautiful campus and happy students sparked joy for me. I’m definitely interested in attending SCAD in the future, and I hope this program will give me a good sense of what the environment and community is like — much more than I can get with a short campus visit.

My dream is to create collections of interesting and extravagant pieces that represent a unique brand. Attending this program will help me in my ultimate artistic and creative career goals by teaching me new sewing, pattern making, and other skills I will need. Being exposed to this creative environment now will help me better prepare myself for continuing education and maybe a career in the fashion business. Starting to build relationships with other passionate and creative people can open up future opportunities for collaboration and entrepreneurial success.